Lifelinehttps://www.lifeline.org.au/ 13 11 44Chat online and text services available

Beyond Bluehttps://www.beyondblue.org.au/ 1300 224 636Chat online available

Kids Helplinehttps://kidshelpline.com.au/ 1800 551 800Chat online available | 24/7

Headspacehttps://headspace.org.au/ 1800 650 890Chat online available | eheadspace



Today our children and staff experienced Transition Day. This is an exciting day when both students and teachers are introduced to their class for 2023.

Whilst Transition Day brings a sense of anticipation in our students, families and new and existing staff members, some of our young people may feel these changes can be somewhat overwhelming. As adults (parents/carers and school staff) we can encourage a positive and calm approach to the natural transition process by embracing this as a learning opportunity. 



Transition opens a new learning environment and opportunities to build on social and emotional learning. By staying calm, using positive language and with the support of the experienced staff at Sacred Heart, your child/children will find the transitioning period an exciting part of their school journey.




Julie Leonard

Religious Education Leader/Wellbeing Leader