The Junior Journalists

The Best of ‘22

Junior Journalists – Who are We and How Far Have We Come?

By the end of 2022, we are a group of primarily Year 2 students who, every Friday lunchtime (when there were no calendar disruptions or rare sunshine days!!!) joined forces to bring you some of the top news, tips and tricks from around the grounds at Kinross Wolaroi.

Please enjoy our final edition for the year, in which we have flashed back to some of our best articles. #watchthisspace2023

Acknowledgement of Country

We would like to Acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we have worked to create this news, the Wiradjuri People. We extend this Acknowledgement to all Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Peoples who may be reading this news and pay respect to the local Aboriginal Land on which our audience are accessing this publication. We Acknowledge that this Country always was and always will be Aboriginal Land. 

Edition VIII: Congratulations to the JS Wiradjuri Language Program

What would we do without Corey! A big shout out to him for all his great work in the Junior School with helping us learn and celebrate Wiradjuri Culture. We love learning Wiradjuri language in Years K-3 with Corey. Corey’s hard work in this program was recently recognised with the winning of the Aunty Judy O’Neill Community Program/Project Award at the Orange NAIDOC Community Awards. We congratulate Corey on this success and thank him for inspiring us. Mandaang Guwu Corey. 

Through the Looking Glass: Teacher Interviews 

Edition VIII: (Double Duo)

By the Junior Journalists Team

Ms Hazelton and Ms Sinclair
Ms Hazelton and Ms Sinclair


Ms Hazelton – Junior School Teacher, Year 6 Mabo

Q: What is one of your 2022 goals? 

A: To be more creative with my cooking

Q: How long have you been at Kinross Wolaroi? 

A: 3 terms and loving it!

Q: What is your favourite colour? 

A: Green 

Q: What is your favourite food? 

A: Carrots for sure!

Q: What year do you teach at Kinross Wolaroi?

A: Year 6

Q: What are your hobbies? 

A: Anything physical – bike rides, pilates, swimming, gym 

Q: What is your favourite sport?

A: All sports are great. 

Q: City or Country? 

A: Country

Q: Running or Swimming? 

A: Swimming

Q: Kangaroo or Koala? 

A: Kangaroo


Ms Katie Sinclair – Junior School Performing Arts Coordinator 

Q: What is your favourite colour? 

A: Blue

Q: What Sport House are you in? 

A: Brown

Q: What is your favourite food? 

A: Treacle Pudding and custard (an English dessert) 

Q: What is your favourite place in Orange? 

A: My farm 

Q: Do you have any pets? 

A: 2 cats, 1 pet dog, 2 work dogs and 700 sheep

Q: Summer or Winter?

A: Summer

Q: City or Country?

A: Country 

Q: Running or Swimming

A: Running 

Q: Ballet or hip hop? 

A: Ballet

Edition I: 

Mr Paul – 3 Volcanoes Classroom Teacher

Q: What sports house are you in?

A: Brown 

Q: What is your favourite colour? 

A: Blue

Q: What is your favourite food? 

A: Pizza

Q: Ballet or Hip Hop? 

A: Ballet

Q: Kangaroo or Koala? 

A: Kangaroo

Q: Why did you choose Kinross Wolaroi? 

A: Kind people and hardworking students 

Q: What is your favourite sport? 

A: Rowing


Edition III: A Keeping it Kinross EXCLUSIVE


Mr Jones – Senior School English Teacher and Teacher of the Term for Term 1 2022

Q: What year do you teach at Kinross Wolaroi? 

A: Years 7 – 10 English

Q: How long have you been teaching at Kinross Wolaroi? 

A: This is my first year at the school

Q: Why do you think you won teacher of the term? 

A: Hard work

Q: What Sport House are you in? 

A: McLachlan

Q: Summer or Winter? 

A: Summer

Q: What is your favourite food? 

A: Steak 

Q: What is your favourite sport? A: Rugby League

Q: What is one of your 2022 goals? 

A: To drink less coffee

Q: What is your favourite place in Orange? 

A: Mount Canobolas 

Q: Are you related to Mr Jones in the Junior School? 

A: Nope, I am not

Edition I:  JJ’s Brain Teasers 

By the Junior Journalists Team

What am I? 

  • I have 4 legs, but my coat is only made up of 2 colours in a stripy pattern…
  • I am a herbivore… 
  • I am mostly seen in the grasslands and savannahs of Africa… 

I am a… 

See the bottom of the page for answers.

Edition II: Hyped for Holidays?

Make the most out the next 2 weeks with these top tips (well nearly next 2 months this time around!) 

  1. Plan your daily activities ahead of time. 
  2. Turn off your alarm and turn up the dancing tunes.
  3. Be thankful for the time away from work, classwork books and laptops. 
  4. Whilst a change in climate and location can never go astray, exploring your surroundings is also rewarding.
  5. Have the top shelf in the pantry stocked with popcorn!

Edition V: One Small Step for Man, One Giant Win for Zaro Jalal

Zaro Jalal building in action. Photography by Kayley Lett
Zaro Jalal building in action. Photography by Kayley Lett

By the Junior Journalists Team

Congratulations are in order for Year 5 student Zaro Jalal on his first-place success in the Kinross Wolaroi Junior Writing Competition. The stimulus for the writing task that invited the wider Orange community to compete was ‘When I grow up…’. 


We sat down with Zaro to find out more about his story, personal interests and connection to KWS. Please read on for our exclusive interview with Zaro.


Q: Tell us, what is your story about? 

A: My story was about me wanting to be a NASA engineer which is working at a space company. 

Q: What is your favourite part of your story?

A: My favourite part is when I said that Elon Musk would love me because I am a very good space person. 

Q: What is your favourite colour? 

A: Lime green 

Q: Do you have any relatives at Kinross Wolaroi?

 A: Yes, I have a brother Lazo in Year 11 and Mezen in Year 2. 

Q: What made you want to enter the competition? 

A: I heard about the prize and I love Lego so I just needed that prize.

Q: What was the Lego prize? 

A: It was a $550 Lego Robotics STEM set. 

Q: Have you built the prize yet? 

A: Yes, I have built half of the robot. 

Q: How did you enter the competition? 

A: So I wrote my story on my laptop and then my mum emailed it to the school for submission. 

Q: What year are you in at school? 

A: Year 5

Q: What are your 2022 goals? 

A: To make a half-court basketball shot

Q: What is your favourite food? 

A: Pancakes, easy

Q: What is your favourite subject? 

A: Science 

Edition VII: Home Among the Gumtrees: Star Sign Readings with KWS Roo         

Virgo | August 23rd – September 22nd 

Luna Lovegood


Libra | September 23rd – October 22nd 

Professor Severus Snape 


Scorpio | October 23rd – November 21st 

Draco Malfoy


Sagittarius | November 22nd – December 21st

Hermione Granger


Capricorn | December 22nd – January 19th 


Aquarius | January 20th – February 18th



Pisces | February 19th – March 20th 

Neville Longbottom


Aries | March 21st – April 19th

Molly Weasley


Taurus | April 20th – May 20th

Professor McGonagall


Gemini | May 21st – June 20th 

Fleur Delacour


Cancer | June 21st – July 22nd 

Cho Chang


Leo | July 23rd – August 22nd 

Harry Potter