Parents & Friends Association

Sarah Glover and Leanne Lett

What a year!


To all of our Kinross Wolaroi families, 


This is the final Family Newsletter of 2022, and what a year it’s been! 


The year that has brought our school community together through individual Year Group catch ups, our amazing whole School Trivia Night and the Spring Soiree last Friday where we were able to come together over some amazing Ross Hill wines and delicious cuisine while reconnecting with friends and welcoming new families to our school.


We would like to say a huge thank you to all our Year Group Representatives for 2022 and welcome the new and continuing Year Representatives for 2023. The fabulous events held this year would not have happened without all your efforts. Thank you.


There have been many wonderful events going on around the School recently and lots of new faces about the campus at Orientation Days as we welcomed families who will be joining the Junior School and Senior School in 2023. 


Welcome Back Morning Tea - Save the Date
We warmly invite you to join us for morning tea straight after school drop-off on the first day of Term 1 - Tuesday 31 January from 8.45am to 10.00pm. We're providing a coffee van and catering by Pickle & Fig. The van will be located adjacent to the main Oval near the school canteen.
An especially warm invite goes to those parents dropping off their children for the first time, including Kinder and Year 7. We understand that the first morning can be tough, and we'll be there with tissues at the ready. Please come along if you can.


Thank you all for your generous support throughout the year. 

We wish you and your families a happy Christmas break. 


With best wishes on behalf of the P&F Association,


Sarah and Leanne


P&F Committee:

President | Sarah Glover (

Vice President | Leanne Lett

Secretary | Orion Jandera (

Treasurer | Jo Balcomb (

Junior School Representative | Jacqueline Russell

Senior School Representative | Nerida Sweetapple

Asst. Senior School Representative | Alison Bennett

Boarding Representative | Caroline Ivey

Asst. Boarding Representative | Christine Fraser