From the Principal

Dr Andrew Parry

As our academic year draws to a close we have seen our students across the Junior School and Senior School engage in a vast array of activities and some very special Christmas celebrations.


Students have been involved in camps, Cadet activities, HSC study forums, Duke of Edinburgh expeditions, work placements, life skills, master classes and community assistance. The final few days of term provide a great opportunity to explore a broader curriculum of activities, all designed to challenge, engage and enrich student experiences. Much enjoyment has been had and no doubt some personal growth experienced. 


I am most grateful to our staff for their energy and creative thinking in assembling such an enjoyable and rewarding end of year experience for the students. 


Over the past week we have also had students out at Eugowra, assisting families and businesses who have been do sadly affected by the devastating floods. Our students were immensely impressive and their support greatly appreciated by members of the local community. 

Christmas Celebrations

We have also enjoyed some of those special festive occasions of the Christmas period. The Nativity Play staged by Kindergarten to Year 2 was brilliant. The enthusiasm, commitment and courage shown by the students as they brought this production to life were fabulous. To all those who assisted with costumes, music and guiding the students - thank you. Mrs Marlo Robson deserves special mention as it was her leadership, enthusiasm and vision that ensured the play was such a great success – thank you!


Last Sunday Kinross Wolaroi held a magnificent Christmas celebration of Nine Lessons and Carols at Holy Trinity Church in Orange. Our orchestra and choirs performed superbly before the packed congregation. It was a wonderful traditional Christmas Service that was greatly enjoyed by all present. A very special thank you and congratulations to all our musicians, choristers and readers who contributed to this beautiful occasion. I am immensely proud of them.


Thank you to the many staff who contributed to our Service, especially to our Head of Performing Arts, Mrs Jacqueline Shields, whose creative energy brought a dream to reality.  I am also most grateful to the Rector of Holy Trinity, Rev. Andy Martin and his team for their generous hospitality on the day.

As 2022 draws to a close, we can reflect upon a very positive year, one full of achievement and friendship where we have been able once again to engage as a community.

I thank you all for your wonderful support throughout the year and wish you a very happy Christmas with family and friends.


I look forward to seeing you next year following a restful and enjoyable summer break.

2022 School survey feedback 

In 2022 I commissioned an independent, confidential, 'experience' survey of parents (Pre-Kinder to Year 12), staff, and students (Years 5 to 12) as part of our commitment to continually monitor and improve the quality of education we provide to our students.


This information is most important for the School for our operational and strategic planning, as well as for tracking changes in our performance.


For the 2022 review, a total of 462 parents completed the survey. 


The surveys were extensive and covered in excess of 300 aspects of education at the School.


Overview of Key Areas


The 'MMG Wheel' below reflects the average scores for parents across key areas.


Parents noted a 'very high' score for 1 of the 12 areas and 'high' scores for the remaining 11 areas. The overall score is 'high' (76%).


Expectations Met or Exceeded


The following charts detail the percentage of parents who noted their expectations had been met or exceeded across key areas, ranked in order of the importance they placed on these same areas when choosing the school for their children. For example, 77% of parents noted their expectations had been met or exceeded for the 'Quality of teaching' – noted as the most important area.

Expectations Met/Exceeded for Top 5 Most Important Areas

  1. 77% of parents noted their expectations were met or exceeded in relation to the quality of teaching 
  2. 84% of parents noted their expectations were met or exceeded in relation to the focus on student wellbeing, providing a safe and caring environment
  3. 85% of parents noted their expectations were met or exceeded in relation to a balanced challenging education
  4. 88% of parents noted their expectations were met or exceeded in relation to the facilities and resources
  5. 76% of parents noted their expectations were met or exceeded in relation to academic standards

Open Responses

Parents also provided valuable 'open ended’ comments on a number of areas. These responses added greatly to the value of the review. In response to the question about what parents valued most about Kinross Wolaroi School, the top five areas noted by parents are detailed below.


Overall, we are very pleased with the results. However, there are areas identified where further attention will be given. These include an ongoing pursuit of academic excellence, aspects of the student wellbeing program and aspects of the co-curricular activities.


We wish to thank the parents who participated in 2022 sincerely for their feedback and for the extent of information and quality of views expressed.


Below is a small sample of some of the 'open ended' comments from parents in relation to what they valued about their experience with the School.


Parent extracts in relation to what they valued about the School

I like the emphasis on developing the child in all aspects of their education (social development, academic development, co-curricular - sport and non-sport, well being). I'm impressed by the engagement of the teaching staff and how well they know the kids, across all years. I get a sense the teachers are highly engaged with the community, which is so nice from a parent's perspective. 


The ability to easily engage with teachers and the principal.  The school is receptive and values your feedback  Our children started at Kinross this year and are constantly thanking us for the opportunity to attend Kinross  As a family we are very grateful for the opportunities that have been extended to our children already.  They are engaged, happy and loving the diverse array of activities that they can participate in  The teaching staff are all warm and engaging and actively support the kids. 


Teachers we've been associated with have been amazing.  Friendly staff.  Not only a Safe environment but a happy one as my children look forward to being in school everyday.
The other parents, and the friends my child has made. Her joy to go to school and participate. The quality of the learning support.


The teachers are incredible - intuitive and committed. I particularly love the interaction of the older 'buddies' in Year 5 with my daughter in Kindergarten. She has lots of older friends who look after her in the playground and she really values their kindness.


I am so proud of our school, I value the friendships I have made across all of NSW and most importantly it has provided a happy safe learning environment for my daughter. I am in awe of how much she loves her school, she is proud to be part of the school, her friends look out for each other and her time at Kinross has been happy, laughing and shown such growth of character, values and compassion.


1. High standard of academic education  2. Large range of co-curricular options including sport, music, cadets, Duke of Edinburgh 3. High expectations on students to participate and excel re academic study, co-curricular and general school community  4. Leadership opportunities for all personality types  5. Friendships for kids and parents.


The care and involvement of those in charge towards students and it is clear there is respect both ways. Balance between academics, co-curricular and developing students to become good people with good interpersonal skills.


The opportunity for my child to do Latin and the impact that Latin has had on my child's knowledge and love of language. The wonderful Music Department including the tutors who come in to teach. The Maths extension programme has been essential for my child. He is thriving in this programme and his teachers have all responded so well to him.  My child's mentor has offered quiet, responsive and reliable support and he has taken time to get to know my child.  

Spring Soiree

Almost 300 current and future parents turned out for a fun night at Ross Hill Wines for our annual Spring Soiree - an opportunity for our parents to get together and enjoy each other's company one last time before the school year ends. A big thank you to everyone who came along for making it such a great night. Big thanks must also go to the P&F, who supported the event, and to the wonderful Ross Hill Wines who were amazing hosts.


HSC major works nominations


We recently learned that Ben Hoskins-Murphy received an OnStage nomination for his script writing in HSC Drama.  


And also that Xanthe St Clair – following her nomination earlier this Term has been notified of selection into the TexStyle Exhibition to be displayed at Gallery 76, Queen Street, Concord in March and April next year.


Congratulations to Ben and Xanthe.


ABC Heywire competition winner – Joe Denman


We have recently learned that one of our Year 11 students, Joe Denman was announced as the Central West winner of the annual Heywire storytelling competition - open to people aged 16-22, living in regional or rural Australia.  Heywire stories are renowned for their honesty and for giving us a window on the lives of young people in regional Australia. Joe will participate in the National Heywire Summit in Canberra next year where finalists from all over the country undertake leadership workshops and meet members of Parliament, Government Departments and community leaders. The 'Heywirers' work together in teams to develop ideas aimed at improving the lives of young people in regional Australia. The ideas are presented at Parliament House in front of an esteemed panel. 


Joe’s story can be viewed in the link below.

In high school there's too much to juggle, but good things in life are still there - ABC Heywire


What a wonderful opportunity for Joe, and congratulations!


With best wishes,
