Events and Birthdays

Upcoming social events and major school activities

Excursions/incursions can be found on our school website calendar

Term 4, 2022 3rd October- 20th December 


Dec 8th - Year 6 Graduation

Dec 19th - 3:30pm finish for last day of Term 4

After school 3:30pm - Year level picnics 


Term 1, 2023 30th January - 6th April

Monday 30th January - First day of school for Years 1-6 

Thursday 2nd February - First day of school for Foundation Students (see transition schedule for times)

Sunday 5th February - Midsumma Pride March 




Please note - we list the children who will celebrate their birthday before the publication of our next newsletter (in February 2023). If your child has a birthday on or after this date, they will feature in the next newsletter. 



Willow B

Harper J

Leysha S

Clifford W

Daisy C

Ethan B

Dylan F

Zaya D

Bobby M

Alexander C

Isidora F

Ty M

Ameena D

Bodhi M

Samira D

Loie R

Quade E

Piper M

Henri M

Jude S

Miranda W

Lucas K

Annie L

Inara A

Millie L

Connor D

Ren S

Chi Chi N

Kathir S

Ramona M

Rockwell P

Evie G

Max A

Leonie W

Maceo R

Gioia M

Edith C

Leo T

Teddy L

Molly M

Charles V

Archie P

Alice P

Otis S

Danny M

Elian B

Hudson M

Jai C

Harrison B

Lanna G

Oliver T

Arabella S