Class Page 23R

The students in 2/3R would like to share with you the things they really enjoy doing at our school.... 

URIJAH - I think ‘CHOICES’ is the best because I get free-time on the computers.

EDITH - Art is my favourite thing because I can be very creative.

MIA - Science is great because we do fun things.

JOSH - This school is the best because there are more things to do.

HAYLEY - I like doing Reading Eggs because it helps me learn to read.

TYRELL - Playing football is so much fun.

LARNA - The best thing at school is Art because I can do lots of different things.

HARMONY - I enjoy recess because I can play with my friends.

GRACE - Maths is the best subject because I learn how to answer challenging questions.

BLADE - I love how my teacher lets us do ‘CHOICES’. I have a great teacher.

ANGUS - The best thing at school is taking the Yard Duty bags to the teachers.

TAMIKA - I like the way everybody is friendly and they say hello.

MAX - I enjoy recess and lunch because I can play footy with my friends.

ISAAC - The best thing about school is doing the Yard Duty bags.

CHARLIE - I like recess and lunch because I can spend more time with my friends that aren’t in my class.

EDEN - Maths is fun because I can use my calculator.

ALEIGHA - I can learn new things on Reading Eggs.

HOLLY - On the playground I love the ‘house bars’ because I can do heaps of different things on it.

ASHA - I enjoy using paragraphs in my story writing.

GEORGIE – I love Science because I can get to create my own style of anything.

KHAN-LEE- Football is the best because it is fun.

BILLY - I really enjoy writing because I like using my imagination.

POPPY - In Art I can make amazing and fun things.