Student Voice

Student Voice

Tackling Gender Inequality at KDC.

In Term 2 members of Student Voice attended training delivered by Respectful Relationships at the Sunshine Visy Hub. The training focused on up skilling students to lead initiatives in their school based with a focus on human rights, respect and equality.

As a result of the training, the team decided to focus on tackling gender inequality at KDC, with the aim of creating a culture that promotes respect and acceptance.  

The team has developed and are currently in the process of implementing four actions including a workshop for teaching staff, workshops for Year 7's during Explore and a Gender Equality banner competition.  

Student Voice hosting Respectful Relationships Forum 2.0

Members of the Student Voice team attended additional training to be skilled up as Respectful Relationship facilitators. The students delivered a workshop for other secondary school students on Friday 7th September at the Sunshine Visy Hub. The students facilitated activities and discussion centered around how students can lead change in their respective schools.

The College would like to congratulate Student Voice on their achievements thus far and we look forward to seeing actions taken in Term 4.