Theatre Studies
The VCE Theatre Studies class presented their interpretation of The River the Dirt and Us by Shaun Charles in early June.
The production process presented some unique challenges this year! The students rehearsed and collaborated remotely for almost the entire process and only had five lessons together in the theatre space when they returned to school. The students are responsible for lighting, sound, costumes, props, direction and make-up as well as their acting role. The cast adapted, worked quickly, supported each other, suggested solutions and committed to bringing the tale about the importance of history to life.
Social distancing requirements meant that parents and friends were unable to attend. The students were supported by a small but encouraging group of teaching staff. The performance was very impressive and included powerful performances, an intricate soundscape and atmospheric lighting.
We very proud of this group for the creative manner they embraced the challenges presented to them and for presenting such a meaningful interpretation of The River the Dirt and Us.
Jenny Connolly
Theatre Studies Teacher
Photos from final rehearsal