From the Principal Class Team

Vale Joseph Sassone

We were deeply saddened to learn that one of our colleagues, Joe Sassone, passed away on Thursday 11 June.

Joe joined the St Albans Secondary College staff in 2018 as a Food Studies and Art teacher. On more than one occasion, he commented to his mentor and Learning Area Coordinator, Andrea Coleridge, that he had found his ‘dream job.’ Joe was a passionate, creative and dedicated teacher; he was excited about learning, and determined that his students would love studying and making food as much as he did.

His enthusiasm for teaching and life was infectious, and so was his warmth, and genuine interest in and care for people. Joe brought happiness and kindness into a room, and this drew people into him. He was only with us for two terms across 2018 and 2019, but he left such a lasting, positive impression on so many people. 

On behalf of the school community, we extend our deepest sympathies to Joe’s partner, Caitlin, and their two children. He is deeply missed.


Gym redevelopment 

The project to redevelop our gym is well underway, and is on track to be open for use in early Term 3.

We are redesigning the toilets and changerooms, and creating an external entrance so that the toilets can be accessed during recess and lunch times.

These toilets will be for the use of Year 7 students only, and will certainly ease crowding in the F Wing junior toilets.

Once this project is completed, we will landscape the area between the gym and Nindethana as an outdoor learning and passive recreation space. 


Semester Reports Years 7 to 11

Semester reports for all students in Years 7 to 11 are available on Compass from Thursday 25th June.

We would encourage you to read through these reports with your child, and to discuss what went well, and what can be improved.

These reports will have a section labelled Online Learning. In this section, teachers have indicated how well the students coped in the online environment during Term 2.

Your child’s Year Level Coordinator will be making contact with parents where there are specific concerns.

If you have any questions relating to reports, please contact the relevant Sub School.


Curriculum Day 22nd July

Please note that on Wednesday 22nd July, there will be a whole school curriculum day. This will be a student free day (except for Year 12 Unit 3 exams).

The focus of the day will be for all staff, teaching and Education Support, to consider what occurred during the remote learning time in Term 2. Despite how difficult this time was for everyone, there were positives in the way staff and students worked together. We will use the time on the curriculum day to make an informed decision about what we need to continue to do in light of this learning.


End of Term arrangements

Please note that Friday 26 June is the last day of Term 2.  School will finish at 2.30pm on this day.  Term 3 commences on Monday 13 July.