Online Learning
Student Perspectives
Online Learning
Student Perspectives
The main thing that we’ve taken away from the sudden change from class to remote learning is the importance of self-motivation. It was a challenging time for all, but it really highlighted the difference between being motivated by teachers, alone, and exhibiting motivation within yourself. Despite this terrible experience that happened, remote learning actually helped in pushing us to continue our willingness to learn, and helped with our adaptive abilities.
Dea and Shalom – College Captains
Learning on a different platform to what we're used to was truly an experience I’d never thought I’d encounter. However, it was definitely something I enjoyed very much. It really changed the way I think about our current education system and how much more technology we can use to better improve our learning. Overall, as much of a challenge it was to having to suddenly adapt to a new style of teaching, it was certainly a great learning experience for me.
Iris - Year 11 SRC
My remote learning experience was very different from being in the classroom. I initially found this situation very difficult as I was used to being in the classroom being taught face to face by a teacher. This experience has taught me a variety of skills such as critical thinking and problem solving when it comes to technology, collaborating online to complete complex tasks and lastly to be able to adapt to the new way of learning. Throughout this remote learning experience, it had gotten easier to communicate clearly with everyone and meet the expectations of work that had to be done. Once this difficult experience was finally over it was nice to be reunited with my peers and interact face to face instead of being behind a screen.
Jasmine Year 11 SRC
Online learning has helped us understand the way we learn as we’ve become more proactive, independent and accountable for our learning. It has also helped us understand our own strengths and weakness and approve. We’re now more appreciative and grateful for our teachers.
Year 10 SRC Team
Mr John Coulson
Assistant Principal