Education in Faith


‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me'

 Matthew 28: 16–20


The weekends Gospel reading concludes the Book of Matthew. It was at this point that Jesus, knowing he was about to return to the Father, commissioned the apostles to carry the message of the Good News into the whole world. 


They would baptise, make more disciples, and teach the message Jesus had taught them. Jesus made it clear that his ascension did not mark an absence; he would always be with them. This Gospel message is the foundation of the Church and makes clear what we are called to do and be.


We don't need to go to the four corners of the earth to be missionaries. We are called as parents to the same mission as the apostles. We are the first and most significant teachers of our children. We bring them to baptism and show them the Good News. Not only our actions speak to our children about what we believe and how we hope they live Christian lives, but our efforts to prepare them for the sacraments and come to the Lord's table every week helps them know the full depth of our faith.


During the past weeks we have been reminded often by Jesus that he will not leave us alone. Sometimes it's hard to explain to children where someone is who we can't see. Like the people in the early Church we have faith, but we also have doubt. As if it were a scavenger hunt, let family members look for places they find Jesus this week. In what way can your family help others know Jesus' presence?

Grace and blessings!



Elisabetta Micallef

Religious Education Leader (REL)



Solemnity of Our Lady, Help of Christians 

Monday 25th May  


On Monday 25th May, the Church in Australia celebrates the Solemnity of Mary Help of Christians. Mary Help of Christians was adopted as patron of the new Church of Australia in 1844, at a significant time in our history.


As Mother of God's children, Mary has responded by helping Christians throughout the ages. She has done this by coming to the aid of individuals, families, towns, kingdoms and nations.


Perhaps as a family, you could take a virtual visit to the chapel of Our Lady, Help of Christians at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. This is a great way for the children to see and understand how significant this day is.