Preps Week 6

In Prep this week we continue to learn about different reading strategies by identifying letters and the most common sound they make. Students are retelling stories by recalling the main parts of a text such as what happened in the beginning, middle and end of their story. We have continued to learn about predicting when we read and this week students are recording their ideas as they read. This helps with concentration and understanding the text.

In writing we continue to learn concepts about print such as learning that Standard Australian English in written texts is read from left to right and from top to the bottom of the page. The direction of print may differ in other cultures, for example Japanese texts. We have also learnt to use a capital letter at the beginning of a sentence and for names of specific people or places and students have used a photo or a special memory for writing inspiration. 

In math students have been making two digit numbers using place value language such as tens and ones. We have started our unit on collecting data and students explored what open and closed questions are and what kind of information we can collect when asking these types of questions. Students have also sorted objects and made observations about the data they found.

This week we continued our class small group meetings. Students were engaged in playing games, share time and interacting with each other. Students are so enthusiastic to engage with each other and their teachers. It is wonderful to be able to communicate and be together.


As we return to schooling onsite from next week, we would like to thank our wonderful families for their support and encouragement of our students in their learning. The work produced has been so creative and the effort students have applied to their learning has been wonderful. We are looking forward to being together in our classrooms with a degree of normality returning to our lives.


Have a great week of learning.

Anna, Amelia, Helen, Karri, Janeane, Tara and Amal