Careers News

Upcoming Events - Term 2


10 June 2020 (Week 7)

  • University Information Evening for senior students and their parents/guardians.
  • 7:00pm - 8:30pm via Zoom.
  • Links with be emailed to all Year 11 and 12 students and parents. Join in from home.
  • There will be the opportunity to put questions in the Q&A box and collect resources from the Careers Adviser’s Office in the following days.


25 and 26 June 2020 (Week 9)

  • White Card course  rescheduled from Term 1. Permission notes and money (if not previously paid) will be due prior to the workshop.
  • Some students will be doing this on Thursday and others will be in the Friday group.

24 - 28 June 2020 (Week 9)

  • HSC & Beyond Virtual Careers Expo (Part 2) hosted by InspirED. Open to students and parents. Register here.
  • Career Interviews 1:1 with Year 12 students are continuing now and at this stage Work Experience is still not permitted.

All major universities and colleges are hosting webinars and Zoom presentations for students so keep an eye on emails and McCarthy Careers on Facebook.


Careers@McCarthy website is a valuable source of information for students and families.


Mrs Susan Barrett - Careers Adviser