Prep D

It has been wonderful to see the students of Prep D transition smoothly back in to the classroom, reconnecting with their peers and adjusting to routines. Students have been very excited to explore new play areas including the oval and the new and highly anticipated adventure playground. Prep D students had the opportunity to explore the playground and identify ways to play safely in the shared space. 


Here are some safety measures Prep D has identified:


 “I won’t climb up the slide.” – Isa


“I can be safe on the playground by not pushing others.” – Anjaliya


“Do not climb on the frame.” – Rudra 



Prep D has also been exploring the Global Goal of Climate Action by investigating how living things are impacted by our choices. Prep D collaboratively came up with the big question “How does recycling help us protect the earth?” and made connections to how they can look after their new play spaces.


“At school we have been looking at how we can look after our earth. I think we can begin by cleaning up the playground.” – Neeraja 


“When I am going home, I will take the rubbish home with me.” – Kylie