2C Persuasive Writing

In English, this term, 2C have been learning about the VOICES and CAFE strategies of ‘The purpose of my writing is clear and my point of view comes through’, ‘I sequence supporting details to effectively make connection to the main idea’, ‘Tune into interesting words’ and ‘Identify the main idea and supporting details’, through the lens of persuasive texts. 


The learners have been investigating different persuasive texts, such as “I wanna Iguana” to see which techniques authors have successfully used to persuade their readers. They have then been working to transfer this understanding to their writing, focusing on determining their point of view and creating arguments to support this and persuade the reader. This has resulted in the learners using their knowledge of persuasive techniques to write letters to Mr. Catalano to persuade him to make changes around the school. Here is some of the amazing learning: