Kids Corner

The Kids Corner section of this fortnight’s newsletter is written some of our younger learners as they share how much they are enjoying and appreciating the new Year Prep – Two adventure playground, “Glen the Octopus”: 


Jaik: I went on the colourful green Octopus and I felt calm. I went down the slide, I was so happy when I went down the slide. I loved it, loved it because it was wonderful! 


Vinushi: Wow it was so fun! My favourite part was the slide because it was long. I played with Shayel, I was so excited and happy it was like a maze. I love the playground because it is green and purple and those are my favourite colours. 
Nischay: Glen the Octopus has lots of slides. I went down the left slide and there is a mountain and it is very hard to climb the wall. 
Nadar: Woo! Woo! Glen the Octopus is so amazing and exciting. I went down the slide and in the tunnel. 
Daiwik: On Glen the Octopus I had lots of fun. I went on an awesome slide and I went in circles. 
Shayel: On Glen the Octopus I felt excited. I was like walking in a maze. It was so curvy and the slides were really fun. 
Janiru: it was so exciting I couldn’t wait to go on Glen the Octopus. My favourite part was the slide and the second is the second floor. 
Aarika: Wow it was so much fun. My favourite part was the slide. I was excited, happy and curious to know what it would be like to go on Glen the Octopus. It was amazing, the colours are green, purple, blue, red and yellow. It was big like an octopus and beautiful and fantastic. It was detailed with patterns and decorations. 
Naksh: I felt excited when I went outside. My favourite part was when I got to play on Glen the Octopus. It has 4 slides. 
Sanuri: Wow! I had a fabulous time on Glen the Octopus. The friends I played with were Stuti, Eliana, Thinuli, Yana and Emilia. When I went on the long, smooth, green and purple slide. I was so excited and surprised how great it was! I went up and down and side to side on Glen the Octopus. It was wonderful exploring all about Glen the Octopus and it was so cool. I am so grateful for Glen the Octopus and that I got to go on it. When I climbed up I saw a wonderful view. I was enjoying the blue sky and everything around me. 


Also, Shristi (Year 6) would like to share a poem she created as per the following email she sent Mr Edwards and I:



Hello Mr Catalano and Mr Edwards, Hope you are doing fine. It is World Environment Day today so I just wrote a message for this special day as I am a JSC Environmental Member. Hope you like it!
Kind Regards,