Classroom News 

Year 3/4 Teachers Reflection on Remote Learning 


Initially it was crazy, the time needed to prepare and present lessons for students took more hours than we had ever anticipated. Especially when we realised that we needed to present the work in different ways so that all students were able to access the lessons. We realised that not all the students were able to read and understand the instructions, so Denise had to learn how to use Loom to add voice instructions to all the different parts of the lessons. Denise spent many nights recording information for every lesson, as Marie was unable to use Chrome on her laptop, to record the audio for her lessons. It eventually got easier and we became more organised over the last couple of weeks of working from home. We also spent many hours on the phone or in google meets. Marie and Francesca had a massive crash course in many different aspects of technology and now confidently organise lessons and Google Meets with students. 


We soon discovered that at times, students were more tech savvy than us teachers! We especially remember the time when one of the maths lessons that had been shared with the students on slides, slowly began to disappear! Unfortunately, it had been shared with the students in ‘editing mode’ rather than ‘viewing mode’. Funny now - but not at the time!!


Each morning would start with an online chat, where students and teachers would greet each other and have a quick chat. Marie and Denise were often on the phone discussing the day / lessons / timetable and so would comment about the funny talk the students were writing to each other. It made our day as we would often laugh at a time, when we needed some positive vibes in this crazy new world!


The teachers got to see the students in a whole new way, from being in crazy designed pyjamas, seeing student’s pets squawking and crawling all over them, to being invited into student’s homes during Google Meets and video conferencing. We saw our students and their families in a new light. 


We would like to thank the families and parents who have been so supportive of our students in everything you needed to do for them. We could not have done what we did without your patience while we sorted through the teething problems, and for your ongoing support and cooperation.


To our beautiful students who have become more independent and organised in their learning, we have missed you and can’t wait to see you all back in the classroom, on Tuesday, 9th June!


Whilst this time was forced on us because of an unprecedented event in the world, there have been many positives that will stay with us forever and change the way we teach even in the classroom.


Francesca, Denise and Marie. 


Welcome Back Prep/1/2


On Tuesday, we very eagerly welcomed back all our amazing Preps,  fantastic Grade 1's and incredible Grade 2's.  It was great to see so many big smiles on the student’s faces as they entered the school building. Although all the students had a wonderful time at home with their families, it was evident that they were very excited to see their friends and show us teachers all the wonderful things they learnt while at home. 


Throughout the day,  both classrooms were buzzing, with the children happily chatting to one another and playing together. 


When asked what the students had missed whilst they were at home, they replied with “I missed my friends”, “I missed the slide”, “I missed Sport”, “I missed Jolly Phonics” and to our surprise "I missed my teachers",  along with many other things. So it was definitely great to have them back and to see them enjoy doing the things they had missed.  


                                Bethany, Debbie and Rose-Lee