Covid-19 Update


The Premier has announced step 3 of the COVID-19 roadmap. 

 This means we can prepare to ease some of the restrictions currently in place for schools, preschools and early years settings. 



Physical distancing requirements remain in place

All adults must continue to follow the density and physical distancing guidelines outlined by SA Health:

·          no more than 1 person per 4-square metres in an enclosed 


·          maintain a minimum social distance of 1.5 metres.


From Monday 29 June, the following activities can resume providing government health advice and physical distancing requirements are strictly followed:

·          parents, volunteers, departmental support and other service providers may again enter school and preschool grounds. All external service providers and volunteers must complete the site access form on entry


Requirements that remain in place

·          It’s important that students and staff stay home if they are 


·          Physical contact (even between students) must be limited. 

          Non-physical greetings should be encouraged.

·          The general public should not access school playgrounds or

           Play equipment  

·          Parents must continue to physical distance, including at 

          School or drop off. 


 More information

If you have any questions about managing the impact of COVID-19 in the workplace, please call the department’s COVID-19 Information Line on 8226 2000 (8am to 5pm).


Information is also available on the department’s dedicated EDi COVID-19 pages.


You can also call the government’s coronavirus health information line on 1800 020 080. The line operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.