Around the College

Transitioning Back To School
With the announcement and date set to return to school, I thought it may be helpful for some families, especially our Year 7 families to have some tips to assist your child. We are very aware the Year 7s have only had one term of secondary school, and we want to assure you, we are here to support your child's needs. Here are some tips to help your child transition back to school:
- Start going to bed at a regular, earlier, consistent time.
- Re-connect with your classmates
- Plan your new daily routine
- Create a check list of materials and equipment you will need to take back to school
- Pack your bag the night before
- Pack a healthy lunch
- Have your own materials, especially stationery
- Use positive self-talk
- Talk to your teachers and the wellbeing staff
- Accept help when it is offered
- Give yourself time to re-adjust.
Remember, it may be hard at first, and a little different, but it's going to be OK and we know you're going to get through this. We are here to support you in any way you need.
Ms Emilia Roberts
Transition Coordinator
Ms Sheba Gurm has continued to share her nature photos from when she was working from home: