Director of Learning Innovation Report

As we return to face to face teaching in stages, we are slowly building a picture of what the next few months will bring. There have been announcements about VCE Exams: the GAT will be held on 9 September and Units 3 and 4 exams will begin on 9 November. From there, we are reshaping our calendar and working out the effects of these changes for other year levels. We shall inform you once these dates have been determined.
Teachers are reflecting on what they have learnt about themselves and their students during this time. Our students have shown great resilience. At first students were too shy to speak on Zoom, but we have worked to overcome this. I knew when my Year 12s were feeling less stressed when they started to complain about the usual topics of too much homework! Many of our staff have said to me that, as teachers, they have learnt something new every day. Teachers are reflecting upon what worked well and what needs to be revised. For example, we will be continuing with Google Classroom, as students have reported that they like having a place to store their notes and readily find materials for a class.
There has been an equally steep learning curve for parents. School has come into your home in a way that none of us would have expected! In the next week or so, I will be posting a survey on PAM for parents to undertake so that you can give us some feedback on how online learning went for you and your child. I would really appreciate your comments and thoughts in any form. If you would prefer to email me, I can be contacted on the address
I look forward to hearing from you.
Ms Claire Nailon
Director of Learning Innovation