Business Matters

School Fees
Term 2 school fee payments were due on Wednesday 29 April. Updated statements were emailed out to all families. If you have not made your payment please do so immediately. Payment methods are listed on the statement.
If your family has been impacted financially by COVID-19 the College is offering fee relief. Please complete the form below and return it, along with supporting documentation, to the College Accounts Office.
Do you have a Health Care Card?
If you do, we can help you save. You may be eligible to receive a concession of $2600 from tuition fees, with an additional amount of $225 per child for CSEF (Camps, Sports, Excursions Fund). Eligibility is based on the type of Health Care Card you hold. The Health Care Card must have been issued prior to 14 April 2020. Closing date for submissions is Friday 26 June 2020. Please contact Ms Julie Carlin (Accounts Department) by email if you would like further information.
SiMON Everywhere - for PAM
Nazareth College is proud to introduce the Simon Everywhere smartphone app, designed to streamline the communication process for our families. Simon Everywhere allows you to conveniently access your child’s reports, grades and attendance, update medical information, notify student absences, give permission for excursions and communicate directly with teachers, all the functions found in the Parent Access Module (PAM). The app can be downloaded from the Apple Store or the Google Play store.
The College has introduced CDFpay, which is a cash-free solution for our community. This is an online payment platform offered by the Catholic Development Fund Melbourne (CDF).
Parents are able to top up their children's Student ID Cards online, like a digital wallet, to be used solely within the school. Students can then pay contactlessly at Cafe Naz. Along with this, online payments can be made to the school for extras such as our Overseas Study Tours, Bus payments, Music Fee payments and School Fees
We encourage all parents to use this simple, cash-free platform in the future. Please be assured that we will not turn away parents/students who choose to pay via cash, however to ensure the success of this program we encourage your participation.
To use CDFpay, look on our website under Portals - Online Payments, or click on the link below:
Camps, Sports and Excursion Fund (CSEF)
The Victorian Government offers a yearly payment, known as the CSEF, to low income families to help them with school related costs. Families with a means-tested Health Care Card may be eligible and should complete the form below and return it to the Accounts Office before 26 June 2020. The Health Care Card must have a start date prior to 14 April 2020.