Grade 4/5/6

You have all been amazing...

Thank you for all your wonderful messages that continue to arrive.

The 4/5/6 team are working hard to continue your learning and we are loving the effort from students.

The activities are designed for students to work independently and are encouraged to message the teachers via Teams with issues they might be having. 

*Please also check your calendars, to join your conferences*

Literacy (Reading and Writing)

On the Seesaw Parent App you will see the great work your child has done. Where possible we comment with next steps in their learning journey.

In Literacy we finished our Information text with great reflections from students,. Students did not only learn how to NoteTake and the structure of an Information text, but also read interesting topics such as the Golden Record.  

Students have now entered the world of Explanation text.  Students will be deepening their understanding of conjunctions, synthesis and more...

Whilst student explore the structure and language features of an explanation text, they will also be reading interesting texts, such as the Water Cycle.

Fun Dance Off...

This week for a little fun we have been getting students to do Dance Off's...

Great work for those who dared to give it a go.