Parents Club
What do you see when you look at me?
NLPS and its Parents Club were so pleased to offer a special information session to parents and families this past Tuesday evening, presented by Chrissie Davies, a child behaviour expert, author, educator and passionate advocate for understanding neurodivergent children. Entitled ‘What do you see when you look at me?’, Chrissie spoke about viewing behaviour through a brain-based lens and the importance of teaching and modelling ‘brain care’ and a growth mindset, building resilience and social skills, and developing self-awareness. She also shared her expertise and thoughts around the importance of the parent-school partnership and discussed ways parents can work with the school to best support their child and their individual needs, as it definitely ‘takes a village’.
Chrissie spoke very positively of what the school has been doing in the area of inclusion and supporting students and their families, and Assistant Principal, Carly Bannon, was also there to attest that NLPS certainly looks to build strong partnerships with families to ensure our shared responsibility of growing up happy and healthy kids is achieved! Chrissie encouraged parents to walk the talk when it came to celebrating and valuing all differences to assist with building their child’s self-acceptance.
The online event was very well attended. A big thank you to Chrissie and to all those that were able to make it. For more information about Chrissie and her wonderful work, please go to Chaos to Calm. As always, if you wish to reach out to your child’s teacher, or Carly, to build on this important relationship, please do so via email to make a time to visit/talk further.
What is Parents Club?
The aim of our Parents Club is to bring the NLPS community together while having some fun. We raise funds for school equipment, resources for the children and also charities in our community. Some events that we run include:
- Second Hand Uniform Sale
- Cake Stall
- Parent Social Nights
- Icy Pole Day
- Weekly Fresh Fruit Platter for Prep-Grade 2
- Mothers & Fathers Day Celebrations
- World Teachers Day Celebration
- New Prep Student Play Dates
Parents Club is a great way to get involved with the school community, meet other parents & give back to our wonderful school. To get involved please contact us via email
Parent Club Meetings
Parent Club meets each month. Meetings are usually held at The Junction Hotel at 7pm. All NLPS parents & carers are welcome to attend.
- Wednesday 19th July
- Wednesday August 23rd
- Thursday October 12th
- Wednesday November 8th
- Monday December 18th