6 TG

We have had a very busy fortnight with lots of different things happening in and out of the classroom. 

The students thoroughly enjoyed going to JPC to see 'The Wedding Singer' performance and even made some of them take an interest in potentially studying performing arts when they go to high school. 


Sorry Day 

Thank you to Alana, Leo and Rosie who led us in a Sorry Day prayer service, to acknowledge and celebrate our first nation people. 

Lightning Premiership Day 

The students had lot of fun playing netball and soccer at the Bayside District Lightning Premiership. We were very proud of their sportsmanship, teamwork and respect.



Science Incursion 

To link with our Inquiry unit, the students engaged in a science incursion delivered by the company ‘Hands On Science’! This session provided students with a lot of content about the different states of matter and students used this knowledge to undertake different experiments linked to the 3 different states of solid, liquid and gas


We hope you all have a fabulous weekend, 

Miss Tamara and Miss Georgia 😊