

In Literacy, the stories Three Little Pigs and Room on the Broom by Julia Donaldson and Axel Schiefler have been our focus stories for the week. We have used the story to identify the rhyming words, identifying the different characters, the settings and the emotions of the characters. In preparation for writing, the Preps have been learning how to construct a simple sentence containing a noun (who/what) and a verb (what doing). They used picture prompt cards from the story to support their oral and written construction of a simple sentence. 



The days of the week and describing the position of objects or days of the week or month using ordinal language have been the focus in Maths. The Very Hungry Caterpillar story helped the Preps learn the sequence of the days in order and match the events that took place on each day. We also discussed the different times of the day, such as morning, afternoon and evening and the events that occur during these times. The students created their days of the week caterpillars to take home. This week we have been ordering the days in the month, objects and characters from The Room on the Broom and Who Sank the Boat using ordinal language such as 1st / first, 2nd/second, 3rd/third and 4th/fourth. The Preps also raced textas and small vehicles down ramps and used ordinal language to describe the position of the vehicles at the finish line. 



The Preps have been researching the habitats and features of their chosen creatures. They have drawn and labelled pictures to share their information about their creature. 


Congratulations to the Prep students demonstrating courage last week when they shared their Moonlit Sanctuary excursion experience at assembly.