Year Five 

Dear Year Five Families,


Can you believe we are already in the second half of the term?! Crazy, how quickly time is flying by. The Year Five students have now started their third Unit of Inquiry for the year and really building on their prior knowledge in all curriculum areas. 



In mathematics, we are starting a new unit in Statistics and Probability - Data Representation and Interpretation. This is a fun unit, where we get to explore surveying to collect data, analysing the data and then displaying the data in a variety of ways. The students will use their analysing skills to work out the mean, median, mode and range (MMMR) of their data sets and show their working out. A fun way for them to remember MMMR is with the 'Hey Diddle Diddle' song; ask your child to it sing to you! 


In reading, students are exploring Malala Yousafzai through an Author study as well as reading historical fictions and deepening their understanding of comprehension strategies. These include inferencing, making connections and clarifying difficult or unusual words. The students will be exposed to a variety of different texts throughout this unit, ensuring they have multiple different opportunities to practice their reading and comprehension skills. 


In writing, students are mixing fiction and non-fiction story telling skills as they learn about historical narratives. This type of writing uses details from real historical events and combines them with fictional characters and their perspective during that significant time. This type of writing enables the students to undertake research as they explore history, while using imagination and empathy when placing their characters within the event. 


Our third Unit of Inquiry is based upon the central idea, 'Access to opportunities may affect equality for all.' This unit allows students to define the difference between equity and equality, understand discrimination and the effects it has on a person. Throughout this unit, students will explore 'The Universal Declaration of Human Rights', whilst investigating why the declaration is important and what the world would look like without it. This unit encourages students to become balanced, open-minded and caring members of society.


Reconciliation Walk 

In week Five, the Year Five students participated in the first ever Saltwater P-9 College Reconciliation Walk. The walk took place on May 26th, National Sorry Day. This was a significant and important step towards closing the gap. National Sorry Day is a time when we get to take pause and reflect on Australian history, the mistakes that were made and gain knowledge to ensure that future generations respect and accept the Indigenous culture, both past, present and future. 


  • Absences - If your child is away, please be sure to log this on XUNO or call the school office to let us know.
  • Devices - As part of the ICT agreement, students are to bring in their devices everyday fully charged.
  • Uniform - It is school policy that students are to wear their academic uniform everyday other than that of when they have physical education. On days of PE, students are able to wear their sport uniform or house colour polo.

We are so excited to inquire into this current unit of inquiry and deepen our knowledge and understanding of the world around us. 


Kindest Regards,

The Year Five Team.