Year Three

Dear Year Three families,


It has been wonderful to witness the growth and development of our students during this busy time of the year. The students continued to demonstrate the attributes of thinkers and risk-takers by constantly challenging and pushing themselves to meet their learning goals.



Reconciliation Day

Week 5 culminated with a whole school assembly and a walk to commemorate  Reconciliation Week. This was an opportunity for our students to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia. 



In Reading, we had been focusing on identifying the author’s message from the text. The students developed their understanding of the ‘moral’ of the texts read and could identify, that the ‘moral’ is the ‘big idea’ or message which the author wants to share with his/her audience. It was great to see students successfully apply this skill to deepen their connection with the text. The students also moved on to learn about the ways in which we can identify the genre of the text. 



In Writing, the unit on Poetry was concluded by the students demonstrating an appreciation of poetry. They composed free-style sensory "colour" and "outside-inside" poems, and eagerly shared them with their classmates. It was truly delightful to witness the growth in their creative expression throughout this unit. Moving forward, the students are now learning about Explanation texts – their features and structure.



In Maths, students continued to learn about time durations and elapsed time. They expressed their understanding by finding solutions to various real life based open ended word problems. They displayed the attribute of thinkers while working collaboratively in small groups to enhance their understanding of time. Later, the students embarked on learning about collecting and analysing data through graphs, building upon their prior knowledge of this concept. 



Through the understandings acquired during our second unit of inquiry based on ‘technological advancements’ students analysed the importance of responsible consumption of technology in their own lives and reflected on its positive and adverse effects. This led them to take appropriate action which could lead to greater good for not only the ‘self’, but also of their community and the world at large. The students also reflected on the Visible Thinking Routine,  ‘Hexagonal Strategy’ to make conceptual learning links within the unit.




-Although it is not compulsory for students to wear hats during recess and lunch this term, they are still welcome to wear hats on sunny days.

-Please encourage students to complete their homework this fortnight. The homework is found on their class Schoolbox page.

-Students are reminded to keep bringing in their Inquiry artefacts.

-Some specialist classes have swapped over. Please be sure to check your class Schoolbox pages for the updated timetables. 


Kind Regards,

Year Three Team