Special Events

Campaspe Soccer Tournament
The Boys Soccer team-
Friday 5th May, the boys Soccer team played at the Jack Eddy Oval in Moama.
The players on the team were James, Ashton, Flynn, Issac, Mason, Tyrell W, Heath, Jayden B and Aydin. We played schools from around the district, eight games in total. Carter and Inga were the helpers for the day. We lost 4 games, 3 games we drew and won 1 game. Everyone had a great day and participated really well demonstrating our school values.
Ashton and James
5/6 C
Special Persons Day
On the 12th of May, we had a special day for our parents, grandparents, or any relative/person of choice to come to Echuca Twin Rivers.
In the event, there were a bunch of activities to do with our special person. We could make flowers, by covering the photo with a bunch of scrunched up tissue paper, beading and doing nail polish, you were also able to do some outside activities, such as bowling, pingpong, corn throw and chess.
Your house colour determined on what inside and outside activity you did.
We had the mothers day stall set up by our wonderful school leaders and parent helpers. Students got to choose gifts up to $5 for their special person. In the afternoon many special people came and we had activities set up in classrooms and outside. These included craft, pampering, beading and minor games.
By Sky R and Zoe H
Education Support Day
On Tuesday, the 16th, Echuca Twin Rivers celebrated ES Staff Day. Students showed appreciation to our assistant helpers at assembly. We thanked them and gave them beautiful presents. The presents included plants and paper flowers crafted by the Preps.
By Inga S and Alicia B
Interschool Cross Country
Term 2 Week 4 - Interschool Cross Country.
On Thursday the 18th of May the Interschool cross country occurred at Jack Eddy Oval in Moama, with many different schools from across the Campaspe Shire.
All age groups participated, 9-10 year old's ran the 2 kilometre track and the 11-13 year old's ran the 3 kilometre track. We here very proud of all the students who competed in the race!
We had an awesome cheer squad and everyone was very supportive to not just our school but all of the others.
We had an amazing runner from the Echuca Twin Rivers Specialist School, his name is Ben W congratulations for you fantastic run!
By Georgie E & Sky R
9/10 Boys
9/10yr Girls
11yr Boys
11yr Girls
12/13yr Girls
Congratulations to our newly elected Culture Leaders
On Friday the 19th of May some of the grade 5 and 6 did their speech on why they should be a cultural leader. Then on Monday the 22nd of May Mrs Harvey announced the cultural leaders at assembly. The students that were lucky enough to get the role were Flynn, Isabella, Kate, Reign, Kirrawai and Alexis. As the cultural leaders we are accepting of all cultures, religions, beliefs and faith. we will be participating in cultural events inside and outside of school. We will introduce the minority of cultures to the school and I hope we can get to know new cultures together. Thank you for listening hope you get to know us!
From: Flynn F, Isabella M, Reign G, Kate L, Kirrawai D and Alexis T
Special Incursion
Marc McBride, famous illustrator ( Deltora Quest)
On the 24 of the 2023 Marc McBride had all the 3 to 6s entertained by his amazing talent in art.
The event took place at the centre and started at 12:40 and ended at 1:30 with Marc McBride telling all the students how good there art and asking all the students if they were going to join the competition that he is judging.
All the students had fun and Marc McBride even said that it felt like he was so important while six students carried out all his things to the car and said that he will post 2 more posters so that all six students had a poster and that shows how kind he is and over all. All the students had an amazing time and an unforgettable experience that we will remember for ever.
By Zoe.H, Lily.I and Emma.W