From the Office

2024 Prep enrolments now open. Please collect an enrolment pack from the office. Enrolment applications close July 28th
Scholastic Book Club
Orders and Money due back Monday 5th J
We have a student who has lost an earring on the oval at school. It is sentimental.
Reward if found, please contact the office.
Rugby Jumpers 2023-
Available at Work Locker Echuca
School Beanies
Purchase Beanies from the office $15
(remember to put your name on all of your school uniform)
Thank you Lilyana for modelling our school Beanie
Lunch Orders-
Wonder Recycling Rewards
ETRS is participating (Please read for further details)
One of our students, Skye H from grade 5/6 will be co-ordinating the Recycling Rewards Program
Bring any bread bags to the collection box located in the office foyer
Public Health and Wellbeing Regulations 2019