College Information

College Phone Number
8569 9200
Email Contacts
Office administration/payments
All other enquiries/confidential matters
Via Compass - see quick guide below.
BSC Parents Association
Office Hours
Monday and Thursday: 8:30am - 4:30pm
All other days: 8:30am - 3:30pm
Session Times
Session 1 | 8:50am- 10:05am |
Break 1 | 10:05am- 10:20am |
Session 2 | 10:20am-11:35am |
Break 2 | 11:35am-11:50am |
Session 3 | 11:50am-1:05pm |
Lunch | 1:05pm-1:55pm |
Session 4 | 1:55pm-3:10pm |
Student absences should be reported to the college before 8.50am via the Compass portal.
Late Arrival/Early Departure
If your child is going to be late or needs to leave school early, please notify the college via the Compass portal. Students MUST also sign in/out via the Compass Kiosk located in the general office for Y7-9 students and on Southern level for Y10-12 students.
Please note that students are NOT permitted to leave the college by themselves unless permission has been provided. If your child is leaving school early and walking, riding, catching a bus etc., please ensure that this information is entered in the 'Details/Comment' field when you enter the 'Attendance Note' on Compass.
Lost Property
Lost Property is stored in reception. All labelled items are returned to their owners and various unlabelled items are advertised in the college newsletter. Any items that are not claimed by the end of each fortnight are donated/disposed of.
The canteen provides a lunch order service and over-the-counter sales during Break 1, Break 2 and lunchtime from Monday to Friday. Orders can be placed at the canteen from 8.30am daily or on-line via QUICKCLIQ prior to 8.00am.
Phone payments are not accepted in line with the Mobile Phone Policy. Students must use eftpos card or cash.
BSC Website
BSC Facebook Page
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