College Captains' Report

Can you believe that there is only one week left of the term? We sure can't! How amazing the year so far has been!
Here are some of our highlights of the term!
Clean Up Australia Day
In our GOAL session on 5 June, we were proud to have our Year 8 students taking part in Clean Up Australia Day. Their efforts removed 30kg of litter from our beautiful community. We hope to do this again in the near future with a whole school effort.
Innovate & PBL Expo
At the time of writing, it is the Wednesday before the Expo so we don't know how it has gone but we are sure that it will be amazing. In Year 7 we are using micro-bits to create an invention to help people with a problem that they face. My group (Oskar) has created an S.O.S. button that sends a message to your family when it is pressed.
Year 8
The Summit camp that the Year 8's went on was a hub of fun activities. With mud runs, zip lines, abseiling, scavenger hunts, laser tag and many more fun team-building activities.
During the Year 8 Wellbeing Day we had amazing guest speakers to talk to us about mental health, cyberbullying and empathy. It was a great experience as it gave us real-life advice to help with mental and cyber wellness.
An upcoming event that we can't wait for!
The Emerging Sciences Victoria Program (ESV) starting Term 3, makes it possible for Year 9 and 10 students in Victoria to access specialised STEM subjects through a virtual classroom. I would like to express my amazement at the number of students not only from Years 9 & 10 but also from Years 7 & 8, participating in this amazing program, myself (Oskar) included.
I (Oskar) am very excited to be starting the neurosciences course class, we also have students participating in the bioinformatics and astrophysics. This program is offered to select students as a part of the High Ability deeper learning program. If you have any more questions about ESV, feel free to contact Melissa Casley our
Learning Specialist - High Abilities Practice Leader at
Wishing you all the best for the holidays!
Oskar E (Year 7 Captain) & Hazel R (Year 8 Captain)