From the Principal's Desk

Athletics Carnival

What an amazing day we had last Friday!  Thank you to everyone involved... Wow!  Thanks again for helping to make our carnival such a success.  I sincerely thank the P&C for providing us with a canteen.  Thanks also to the many parents who helped on the day and to our amazing staff.  It was great to have the Mayor of Uralla Shire, Mr Robert Bell, judge the march at the start and it was also nice to have our friends from the Wild Rivers Alliance join us. Anne Miller needs a special mention for the work she did to make sure our organisation was all ready to go.  I trust you all had a great day.  


Please note the Armidale PSSA Zone Carnival will be held on Friday 28th July 2023. 


Georgia Brown has put together this video from the carnival:

Three Way Meetings

We would welcome your input in the form of a 10 minute meeting to discuss your child’s progress at school and to view their personalised learning plan. The process would involve an organised time to meet at school in person or by phone.  We really encourage students, parents and teachers to meet together as part of a three-way interview however, we are happy to adapt this if you wish.


As part of the plan, teachers will identify an area in English and Maths where they feel students would be able to progress further and they will provide ideas on how this can occur. Parents and students are also invited to put forward a “personal goal” to be included in the plan. Overall progress across all areas of their learning will also be discussed. Our meetings will be focused and productive, hence the need for only ten minutes of your time.


We will be holding interviews over a 2 week period from Tuesday 13th June to Friday 23rd June.  We are leaving meeting times open to assist you in managing work and family commitments with staff available at various times between 8.30am and 3.15pm.

If you would like to arrange a time to meet with your child’s teacher, please contact us at the office to organise a suitable time.


We look forward to meeting with you soon.

Sydney Excursion 2nd Payment

Please click the link below to access information sent home last Friday regrading our Sydney excursion and payment details.


Congratulations Harrison

Congratulations to Harrison C in Year 4 for being awarded a finalist in the 2023 University of New England School Acquisitive Art Prize.  Harrison's entry is a photograph of his kittens. There were more than 500 art entries this year, from 50 schools, and these works demonstrated the wonderful array of creativity and imagination, as well as skill of the students. Harrison is one of 60 finalists. The selection committee of staff from NERAM and UNE commented that there was a wonderful diversity of art media and subject matter represented which made the selection process very difficult, given the high standard.


The opening of the 2023 University of New England School Acquisitive Art Prize (UNESAP) Let’s Hang It! exhibition will be held at 6pm on Friday 28 July 2023 at the New England Regional Art Museum (NERAM) in Armidale and the exhibition will be on display until Sunday 13 August 2023.


Congratulations Harrison!

Mr Stink Excursion Cancelled 

Unfortunately the performance we were to attend in Tamworth of "Mr Stink" will not go ahead as planned. I apologise for the disappointment, particularly for our Lower Division students.  I am looking into an alternate performance for later in the year.

Kindergarten Enrolments for 2024

We are finalising our kindergarten enrolments for 2024.  If you haven't provided us with details of your siblings who are enrolling at our school for 2024, could you please contact us as soon as possible as our numbers are nearing capacity.  Thanks for your help.

School Uniform

As the weather becomes cooler, we begin to see lots of multi coloured jumpers and jackets at school. I would really encourage all students to wear full school uniform each and every day to school, including black shoes.  The P&C has shirts, jumpers and hats for sale and we can order our school jackets on request.  If you would like some support in purchasing uniform for your children, please contact us at the school.

An Evening with ACOS

Thank you to the large number of students who have indicated their intention to participate in the upcoming performance of An Evening with ACOS.  Our students are involved in the 3-6 choir and 3-6 orchestra.  The first rehearsal will be held at Ben Venue Public School next Friday 9th June.  Students will be transported by bus to and from the rehearsals. It is important for all students involved to be practising at home and learning their parts for the performances. Please return your permission note and "Permission to Publish" note by Monday 5th June.


Armidale Eisteddfod Next Week

All the best to our students in Upper Division for their upcoming event next Wednesday at the Armidale Eisteddfod.  Our class ensemble item will be held first, followed by our school choir. I would sincerely like to thank Jess Suann from NECOM for preparing our students for these events.  All the best everyone!

Congratulations Miss Miller!

Recently the NSW Department of Education began a process of converting long-term temporary and support staff to permanent positions.  I can now confirm that Leah Miller was offered a permanent teaching position based at Rocky River last week.  This is great news for Leah and our school. She will remain in her current role and will automatically move to her permanent position in Term 4. Congratulations Leah!

Every Day Matters

We want to do all we can to be sure your child achieves their potential and enjoys being in school.


We know that school is the best place to learn. By attending school every day your child will get the most out of their learning and improve their career and life options.


When your child is absent it is important you let the school know, including the reason why, on the day or the day before. This is also a legal requirement. This helps make sure we know where our students are and offer support for you and your family if needed.


If you are having trouble getting your child to school every day or on time, please talk to our school staff so we can work together, because every day counts. 


Missing a day here or there may not seem like much, but absences add up and can negatively impact your child’s learning and wellbeing. When your child misses one day a week that’s 40 days of school and 8 weeks of learning in one year. Over an entire school journey this adds up to 2.5 years of lost learning.  


For further information, click the banner below:

Brad Hunt
