Gnurad-Gundidgj Community Learning Project
In term 1 of 2018, myself and seven other Year 9 students from Kew High School were selected to attend Gnurad-Gundidgj School for Student Leadership.
The aim of the school was to teach us skills that we would not otherwise learn in a mainstream school. At the school we learnt about social and self awareness, meta cognition, decision making, and cultural diversity.
As part of our time at Gnurad-Gundidj, we were set the challenge to design our own project to run in our communities called a Community Learning Project or 'CLP'.
For our project, on Friday 25th of June, our team went to Kew Primary School for an afternoon to teach the Year 3 and 4 students new or unknown sports. The sports we taught them were ultimate frisbee, lacrosse, athletics and t-ball.
The afternoon was a chance for us to use the leadership skills that we had learnt while we were away and it was great to see all our planning coming together to run a fun afternoon.
William Davey
Year 9 Student