Girls Physical Education
These activities were great fun! We went off campus to participate in a range of sport/leisure activities that are available in the local community, with the aim of trying something new and extending our comfort zones and building resilience. Activities included ice skating, archery, and rock climbing.
There was also the added benefit of raising awareness of physical activity options in our community so that we can continue to participate in physical activities in a social manner with friends, now that many of us have ceased regular high school physical education.
Many of the activities such as ice skating and rock climbing required us to conquer our fears – fear of the unknown, fear of heights (well, not conquer exactly but still attempt the activity even though you were terrified!). It was a big achievement to know you could still accomplish your goal even though you were afraid!
Being in an all girls environment also helped to overcome your fear of failing or embarrassing yourself. It is okay to make mistakes, that’s how we improve and overcome some of those fears. Everyone supported and encouraged you to have a go and do your best even though your heart was pounding and your brain was telling your body not to let go of the wall when ice skating or to take another step up those wobbly green pylons at Clip n Climb!
Year 10 PE Student