Entertaining and Meaningful Experience

The experience at the RYPEN camp was nothing else but the perfect place to understand yourself in ways that you can’t even imagine. The activities that we had done at Doxa throughout the weekend were all well thought through and provided us with the best, most entertaining and meaningful experience.


The camp was nothing like I had originally expected and really pushed everyone’s limits both physically and mentally, where we were able to adapt to the different situations and learn from them. This camp has provided me with a completely different view of the world and leads me to really think about what change I could do, however small in the community to make a real difference.


The entire experience was great in allowing me to meet with new people and make new friends that really pushed me outside my box while having a completely different attitude to myself and the people back at home. I would definitely recommend this camp to those that are interested in applying.

Vincent Bethlehem

Year 10 Student