News from MLC

Maths and Inquiry

The students of MLC had the opportunity to explore Capacity this week. We used a one litre bottle to compare other size bottles and containers. We learned that capacity is the amount a container can hold. The children were shown a range of containers of all shapes and sizes. The task was to guess the capacity of each container, then using water and our one litre bottle, we were able to find the capacity of the said containers. The students had a great time using their skills of estimation and checking. The surprising thing was how some containers that appeared to be completely different sizes, actually held the same amount of water.

Before our Maths lessons, the students enjoy warming up their brains with a quick game. We have a few games that are our favourites, but the one we play a lot is called 21. In this game, students use a mix of luck and strategy to attempt to knock each other out. Players stand in a circle and start by calling out a number between 1 and 3. Moving around the circle, the next player will add a number between 1 and 3 to the previous number. For example, if the first player said 3 the next player can say 4, 5 or 6. We continue moving around the circle adding 1, 2 or 3 until we get to 21. The player who reaches 21 is knocked out, hence the name of the game. The students love this game because everyone has an equal chance of winning and they enjoy making truces with each other until they are forced to break them.

Over the last couple of weeks, the students have been researching the neighbouring countries around Australia. They were organised into groups and took the role of researchers. I always enjoy seeing my students using their teamwork skills and working together to create a presentation that they will later present to the class. The countries we explored were Fiji, Vanuatu, Solomon Islands, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea and Indonesia. It was fantastic to see all the hard work come together when the students stood up in front of the class and showed their PowerPoint presentations. I was so proud of everything the children accomplished and how well they read out the information. They are all becoming quite the public speakers.

Kind regards


Mr Tom Brophy

MLC Classroom Teacher