Sausage Sizzle and 

Zooper Doopers

Thank you Parents' Association

The Courtyard certainly took on a festival atmosphere yesterday with the Parents' Association free Sausage Sizzle and Zooper Doopers!


The children gratefully received a free sausage (or two) in bread at the start of lunchtime and found a spot in the Courtyard to sit and chat with friends. As they climbed the hill at the end of the playing time they were greeted with a huge tub of Zooper Doopers. They grabbed one and again found a spot in the Courtyard to sit and enjoy the sunshine and friends' company.


We are so lucky to have such a hard working PA, so willing to give their time - as not only were our students enjoying the free lunch, they are were benefitting from the PA's contribution of the synthetic turf to our Courtyard.


We are all really looking forward to more celebrations when, as whole community, we can gather and sit and chat with our friends in our beautiful Courtyard.