Religious Education

Pope Francis Prayer focus for December

Let us pray for the catechists, summoned to announce the Word of God: may they be its witness, with courage and creativity and in the power of the Holy Spirit, 




The Sacramental Program will go ahead as a school based program next year. This means that students will be prepared in the classrooms. 


Tentative dates for the Sacraments are:

Reconciliation evening - Tuesday 5th April

First Eucharist                 - Weekend of  4 and 5th of June

Confirmation                   - Sunday 23rd October


An enrollment form with additional information for the Sacraments will be available early next year. 




A Stole is to be worn during the Sacraments.  The Stole can be individual to the child or a family Stole.  The Stole can be hand made or purchased through our supplier. 

HOLY BEGINNINGS supplies the Stoles for the Parish. An order form will be sent home with children. 


To order these you can contact Anita and  pay for the Stoles via direct deposit. 

ANZ bank

Anita M Hughes

BSB 013-593

Account no. 322691326


Please put child’s full name in the details.

Candidates for Sacraments will be contacted 4 weeks before each Sacrament to order stoles so that there is time for these to be made. 


HOLY BEGINNINGS can be contacted directly if you wish to order your stole independently. 

Anita 0450 782 558