Junior School
Year 7 Celebration Day
Monday 22nd November was the day that our year 7s finally got to take park in their celebration day after multiple postponements.
As part of the Transition program, 260 eager and excited year 7 students (along with many equally enthusiastic staff!) descended upon Luna Park in perfect conditions. The sun was shining and there was laughter and excited screams throughout the day.
As we had the park to ourselves, students were able to make the most of short wait times on rides could keep riding to their heart’s content. It was a great way to celebrate a challenging but successful transition to secondary schooling for our year 7s.
We would like to thank all of the staff that volunteered their time on the day and helped make the excursion a big success, as well as all of the students in attendance for the way that they conducted themselves and represented the college.
Josh Mitchell
Junior School Leader