What we've been up to...

Our staff show Care, Courage and Cooperation
Gemma, in Lower Primary 1 recently received a Certificate of Appreciation from The Institute of Teacher Aide Courses (ITAC).
Harley's Mum (Ange) completed her Certificate IV in Education Support through them and did her prac with us. She worked with both LP1 and LP2 over the past semester!
Ange was an AMAZING help in the classroom and would most definitely recommend her for paid employment at our school in the future. She also volunteered extra hours, over and above what she was required to complete, in order to help us with swimming this term.
Congratulations to our Year 12 Students who recently graduated & celebrated with their Formal on Friday night. (More photos to come in the next newsletter)
Our Year 12 Graduates are: Chase, Brody, Tiffany, Brendan, Riley and Jaccob.
CQU Visit
Last week some of our Junior and Senior Secondary classes got the chance to visit the CQU campus in Rockhampton. The students explored and constructed 'blades' for wind turbines. The students had to work together to investigate different blade designs and their efficiency, then work out ways to improve energy output. It was amazing to see the students collaborating in an environment outside of school. There was such a great camaraderie, but also competitive spirit, with lots of cheering and encouragement within the group.
Darryl tried to steal the glory, but Kuper, Max, Brody and Rory were the winning team!
RNSS students carried themselves in a way that earnt the respect of the CQU staff. They engaged in the learning opportunities presented in an enthusiastic and enterprising way.
All in all, a fantastic day with everyone working together to create a wonderful learning experience.
2022 School Captain Speeches
Last Wednesday we had a special assembly for our some of our students to present their prospective School Captain speeches. Stay tuned - our 2022 Captains will be announced by the end of the school year!