Office Reminders

Office, Assistant Principal and Learning Specialists

Lost Property

We are trying our best to keep on top of lost property. Luckily we have seen an increase in named items over the last week, which has meant we can get items back to the owner. Thank you! A reminder to please write your child's name on their belongings, especially their hat, jacket, lunchbox and drink bottle (these items are often carried around the school and left in places). If you've already done this, check that the name is clear and hasn't rubbed off. Any unnamed lunchboxes and drink bottles are disposed of, and unnamed hats and jackets donated to the second hand uniform shop. Please write your child's name on their belongings.

Book Club

We are excited to once again offer Scholastic Book Club at SMPS. Please find information on Book Club below, including how to place an order.

Issue 1 can be accessed here: 

Orders can be placed here: 

Orders are due: Friday 19th February


Check out these recommendations from Issue 1.

2021 Parent Payment Arrangements

The 2021 School Fees are now available to pay via Compass Course Confirmation and Payments. Our Parent Parent Arrangements are available on the school website ( along with the DET's Policy. 

Payments can be made in full or via the following set instalment dates: 1st December 2020, 1st of January 2021, 1st of February 2021 and 1st of March 2021. 

If you require an alternative payment plan, please contact our Business Manager, Tess, on 9935 9399 or CentrePay is also available. If you believe you are eligible for Camps, Sports and Excursion Funding, please contact Tess prior to making your payment. We thank you for your continued support and voluntary payments and donations.