Family Engagement Meetings

Take note of the upcoming family engagement meetings

Parent Information Nights - Week 5

Purpose: To find out about the curriculum, routines and expectations of your child's year level. Teachers will be presenting this information to parents of the whole year level. There will be the ability to ask questions about the topics covered using the chat tool.


Topics covered will include:

  • What is being taught
  • Daily routine
  • Special days and events throughout the year
  • Homework expectations
  • Cyber safety
  • Opportunities for families to get involved, and more.


Week 5

Grade LevelDate and Time Meeting Code Password
Grade 1

Wednesday 24th February 


165 416 9236 smps
Grade 2 

Thursday 25th February 


165 717 1126 smps
Grade 3/4 

Tuesday 23rd February 


165 928 6215 smps
Grade 5 and 6 

Wednesday 24th February 


165 964 5244 smps

Week 6

Prep                    Monday 1st March 5pm-6pm165 825 8713    smps            

Specialists and Office Staff will send out links to their sessions (pre-recorded) after all nights are complete. For now, log into the WebEx on the night and enjoy the information.

Getting-to-Know-Your-Child Chats - Week 6

Purpose: To meet one-on-one with your child's teacher, build a relationship between parents and teachers and share information about your child. These sessions are one-on-one to allow you to share information that is specific to your child. Due to the potentially sensitive nature of the discussion, children should not attend these Chats. As Prep parents have already met with their teachers, these Chats are for Grade 1 - 6 families only.


Topics of discussion may include:

  • Your child's attitude to school
  • Family situations
  • Your child's interests and passions
  • Your hopes for your child in 2021, and more. 
    Note: This is not a traditional half-year Parent-Teacher Interview where staff give information to parents about academic progress. The information in these chats comes from you.

P.E., STEAM, Music and Mandarin:

Specialist teachers (teachers of P.E., STEAM, Music and Mandarin) will have bookings available for families who wish to share information with them. This may include families of students who play instruments outside of school, students who want to compete in sporting events, etc. or any other reason. These bookings are on a first-in basis.



All sessions must be booked in advance on Compass. Bookings are open now. Most sessions will be on Thursday afternoon (March 4) from 3.45pm – 7pm. There will also be sessions available throughout the week (March 1 - 5) with each teacher.

1. Log in to Compass as a parent.
2.Under each of your children's profiles, there will be an option to "Book Parent Teacher Interview". Click on this link.
3.Follow the prompts to select a time that suits you. 

If you have any difficulty booking a Chat, please email your class teacher or call our school office. 



Interpreter required? Use the drop-down menu under the 'Interpreter' option. We will then coordinate for an interpreter to be present.


A reminder that we expect attendance from 100% of our families. Our Parent Information Nights will be recorded for you to catch up on if you if you cannot make the session. If you cannot make it to the Getting to Know Your Child Chats, please contact your teacher to set up an alternate time.