Literacy and Numeracy



Over the coming weeks and terms, the Prep-3 students will have an opportunity to take home a 'Maths Take Home Pack.' These packs have a range of maths activities in them. We encourage families to complete these tasks as a family and most importantly talk about the tasks. These bags are a wonderful opportunity for families to promote mathematics and have some fun whilst learning. We encourage every family to record what they did in the Maths Reflection Book that is sent home with the activities. Write, draw, take photos, be as creative as you choose. 


We ask all families to clean the activities after use. The tasks will also be sanitised by teachers at school too.


There are 4 packs per class so you may have to wait for your turn!




Each fortnight a Year Level will be sharing their learnings. Check out the wonderful mathematics that has been happening in Year 5.  



Over the last few weeks we have been learning about addition. 


As always, if you have any questions please contact your classroom teacher or myself. 

Mr Josh Crowe


Take home books

This week, many of our students have commenced bringing home their 'Take home books'.  Reading with our children should be viewed as a shared, enjoyable experience - a time to promote a love of reading and books.  

For our younger readers, this time will involve 'roaming' the text.  This would involve chatting about what the book may be about it, its setting and characters.  Pictures would support this chat.  Making connections to their own experiences will also assist our young readers to enjoy the text.

Initially, this reading would involve mum or dad reading the book to their child.   The child may then have a go.  They will begin to use their phonological knowledge to assist them in decoding unfamiliar words, using picture prompts to assist them.  Slowly but surely, our young readers will be able to identify key words and make meaning of the text.  Remember the 3Ps - Pause, Prompt and Praise as you go through the book together and to enjoy this special time.

Please ensure that our 'Take home books' are well cared for and looked after so that they can be enjoyed by all.


Classroom Helpers

It is a requirement that any parent/carer/grandparent wishing to assist in the classroom needs to complete our St. James Classroom Helper Sessions, have a current Working With Children Check and has submitted a 'Volunteer Duty Statement' to the office.  At this stage, we are awaiting clarification as to when parents will be permitted to assist in this way.  Watch this space ... Josh and I will keep you posted of dates, times and requirements as soon as we can.

Report Feedback

This year, as a staff, we would like to review our current Reporting Format and Procedures. We are seeking feedback from parents as to the clarity of content, achievement and areas for improvement for our students.  You are invited to email me any ideas, suggestions or feedback that you may have on our pre-COVID reporting format - ie. 2019 Reports. Alternatively, feel free to contact me via a phone call or we could have a chat via a Google Hangout.  I look forward to hearing from you.


Mrs. Cathy Dimitrakopoulos

Literacy/Learning and Teaching Leader