Mobile Phones 

Department of Education Mobile Phone Policy

It's official, students who bring mobile phones to school must leave them secured in their lockers from 8:30am-3:15pm.  Teachers have been asked to collect the mobile phone and take it to the General Office where it will be stored until the end of the school day.  We will be contacting parents regarding mobile phones to discuss other management strategies for those students who have their phones taken on more than three occassions.


There is a very small number of students, who due to health issues, are permitted to keep their phones on them.  These are students who need to use apps to monitor health conditions such as diabetes.  These students are issued with a mobile phone pass to show to their teacher should they need to access it in class.  Passes of this nature can be applied for through the Leader of Sub School or Assistant Principal.  Families will be required to present documented evidence from a medical practitioner for this to be considered.  


Last year we had a significant number of students request a pass to manage anxiety.  Passes of this nature will not be issued, however the Well Being team will work with the student to assist them to develop other management strategies.


On occasion, mobile phones are useful learning tools in class.  If a teacher requires students to have a phone in class they will notify students and families via Compass.


If parents need to contact their child during the day, please phone the general office and a member of the team will get a message out. 


Shane Kruger, Catherine Ford, Carrie Wallis and Andrew Lewis

Assistant Principal