Welcome back for the beginning of a new school year. I hope you and your family had a great, well rested summer break and like me, are excited by the opportunities that the 2021 school year brings.
On behalf of the College Board, I would like to thank all parents, staff, students and members of the VUSC community for their invaluable support in 2020. It certainly was a very different and challenging year for everyone. As we moved through our changing COVID environment last year, everyone showed resilience, patience and adaptability, and as a result developed new skills and learnt new things!
In Term 4 last year the College undertook a highly successful school review and developed a new four-year College Strategic Plan. Our key goals are as follows:
The College is also continuing to refine and implement an updated School Wide Positive Behaviour Support program to consolidate our school values and expectations for success.
The College leadership team has developed the 2021 Annual Implementation Plan (AIP). The plan is aligned to our Strategic Plan goals. It is a detailed plan that outlines the key improvement strategies, targets, actions/activities and success indicators that are set for the year in the lead up to achieving our four-year goals.
The school is certainly off to a positive and settled start, with all Year 8 to 12 students having commenced their 2021 step-up programs at the end of last year, where they met their teachers and had an introduction to all subjects for this year. Other organisational matters such as the allocation of lockers were also attended to at the end of last year, which has helped to minimise disruption to students’ classes now. It is hoped that this uninterrupted start will assist students to sharpen their focus on their learning from day one.
A very special welcome to our new Year 7 students, who are a delightful group, and to all those students who are new to other year levels, and to their families. We hope that you enjoy your time here at Victoria University Secondary College and that it is rewarding for you both educationally and personally.
As is always the case, we look forward to working together with parents to support our students to reach the levels of achievement they are individually capable of. Again, we invite parents to work together with us to ensure students are meeting the basic requirements necessary for success in their studies. These include:
The last point on ‘maximum effort’ is one that underlies all the others, and it will be explicitly emphasised with the students throughout the year. Of course, the chances of this message being conveyed successfully will be much greater if it is also reinforced at home, so we will be most appreciative if parents too can emphasise the importance of consistent and persistent effort.
A checklist is attached of what parents and carers can do to support their children with their schooling this year:
New Staff
The College is very pleased to welcome the following staff who are joining the teaching and education support teams this year:
Brylee McNamara – Middle School Leader
Jonathan Worthen – English/Humanities
Nathaniel Alexopoulos – PE / Health
Rundi Yang – Chinese / EAL
Peter Hammond – MYLNS & Maths Tutor
Peter Kavadias – Science
Peter Otchere – Youth Worker
Phoebe Moloney – English/Humanities
Tim White – Administration
Also a huge congratulations to Ms Abbey White and partner Matt on the birth of their gorgeous baby Violet on 1st February! We wish Abbey and Matt all the very best as they enter parenthood for the first time.
Tutor Learning Initiative
One of our top priorities for the year is to respond to the disruption of 2020 by working to ensure that all students who need additional assistance to ‘catch up’ on learning that they may have missed, receive tailored and targeted help through the new Tutor Learning Initiative.
The additional resources made available by the Victorian Government through the significant new funding directed to this program provide us with an unprecedented opportunity to address learning gaps for every individual student.
Tutors are registered teachers who will be a valuable part of our teaching team at VUSC this year. By providing intensive learning support to the students who need it, we will not only ensure that those students are not left behind, but also give classroom teachers the time they need to meet the achievement, engagement and wellbeing needs of all students.
Parents whose children will be supported by tutors will receive a letter with more details. The attached file contains general information for families from the Department of Education.
The tutors that have joined our VUSC teaching team this year are as follows:
Anthony Cunsolo – English tutor
Berina Pandzo – Maths tutor
Brayden Kelputis – Maths tutor
Charlotte Seago – English tutor
Peter Hammond – Maths tutor
Ebony Underhill – English tutor
Jeanu Sayachack – English tutor
Siaki Kirifi – English tutor
Yan Qu – Maths tutor
Mariam Hussein – English tutor
We welcome and wish our new teaching staff and tutors the very best at Victoria University Secondary College.
Year 12 VCE Results
A huge congratulations to our VCE Class of 2020 for their excellent results despite lockdowns and remote and flexible learning. The hard work and dedication of both students and teachers has meant that we have maintained or improved upon most of our previous years’ results.
The school has improved its median and mean ATAR (Australian Tertiary Entrance Rank) results significantly from 2019. Our VCE Mean English Study Score is 30.5 (which is above the state) and our VCE Median Study Score improved from 28 in 2019 to 28.5 in 2020. Our aim and goal for 2021 is to continue to improve not only our VCE results but all our students' results over all learning outcomes from Years 7 to 12.
I am very proud to announce that our Dux of 2020 is Jimmy Truong who achieved an ATAR result of 97.30.
Our 2nd highest ATAR result was 97.25 and the 3rd highest ATAR result was 94.20. Six students achieved an ATAR in the 90's and there were 16 study scores of 40+. Overall our class of 2020 achieved amazing results. We are extremely proud of all our students for their tenacity, persistence and fantastic efforts last year.
College and Junior Campus Captains
On behalf of the whole school community, I am delighted to announce our College and Junior Campus Captains for 2021.
Congratulations to Danita Caruso and Emily Kerbage who have been elected College Captains and to Vice Captains Regi Cruz and Brooke Moncur.
At the Junior Campus, congratulations to Captains Alessandrea Cabuyadao and Evangelia Tzanetos and Vice Captains Layla Apimaera and Bibi Asma.
Each of these students have already shown themselves to be really deserving of these leadership roles, and we look forward to working with them and all our student leaders.
Thank you to all the students across the school who nominated for leadership roles. We are very lucky to have so many students interested in putting themselves forward. It seems that the SRC will have many willing helpers throughout the year. We would love to see more boys getting involved too!
A further congratulations to Alessandrea Cabuyadao for being awarded a Harding Miller Foundation Scholarship! This is an outstanding achievement, well done Alessandrea!
Changes to Student Absence notifications
Parents/carers are advised that you will no longer be able add attendance notes on Compass when your child is absent.
There is now an absence hotline and we will also have an absence email address shortly.
If your child will be absent from school for any reason, please call 8312 0243 or email before 10am that day.
Parents/carers will receive a call from our Attendance Officer if a reason for the absence has not been provided. Thank you for your co-operation in this matter to ensure that all student absences are accounted for.
A reminder to all students and parents/carers that students should be in full summer uniform this term, including the blazer and black leather shoes (no other colours/no boots or sneakers). Please see our full Uniform Policy here.
Families may request assistance with purchasing school uniform from the following organisations:
Smith Family Learning for Life provides support and financial assistance to help disadvantaged children stay at school. The program runs in select disadvantaged areas.
A Start in Life provides financial assistance to disadvantaged students and families to ensure they can access the same learning opportunities as their peers. For information phone (02) 9264 3017.
Opening the Doors Foundation provides education assistance for Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander students enrolled in an independent educational institution in Victoria.
The Queen’s Fund Financial assistance with the cost of educational expenses for children. Applications must be completed by a social worker or a community agency that works with you.
Good Shepherd Micro-finance is a great initiative that has financial programs to assist families on low or limited incomes with educational costs and other expenses. One of their programs is the No Interest Loan Scheme (NILS) which gives access to fair and safe credit up to $1,200 for essential educational items.
Saver Plus This is financial education and up to $500 in matched savings for education costs for individuals and families who have at least some regular income from work. For information phone 1300 610 355.
Second hand uniforms are also bought and sold by local families on the Sustainable School Shop website.
Jacaranda e-books
Once again Jacaranda are our supplier of electronic textbooks this year. Information has been provided on booklists and posted to Compass about how to purchase and access the books. Please ensure your child has all the textbooks they need for a successful start to the year.
Breakfast Club “Grab and Go”
Breakfast Club will run at both campuses every Monday commencing next Monday Feb 8th from 8.30-8.45am. There will be fresh apples and non-perishable foods available such as cereal, muesli, baked beans, fruit cups and long life milk. All welcome!
Senior Campus Breakfast Club in A9
Junior Campus Breakfast Club outside the SWB Office.
Lunchtime Activities
The College will be providing lunch time activities each day at both campuses this year.
There will be board games every day which will be supervised by staff, as well as lunch time sports. Please check Compass or see your Coordinator/PE Teacher for more details.
Homework Club
Homework club will run at the Junior Campus this year in the Library after school every day during term except Wednesdays.
College Yearbook
One of the highlights of each year is the publication of our College yearbook. Once again, it did not disappoint. Congratulations to Ms Anita Stanley on producing a creative and entertaining snapshot of our 2020 year. The yearbook captured well the interesting year we had. Students will receive a copy of the yearbook at an upcoming year level assembly.
A reminder that the CD produced by our wonderful music students and staff last year in lieu of the Annual Concert is for sale at the general office for $10. I highly recommend it!
Open House
Our Open House will be held on Monday 15 March at the Junior Campus. This is a great opportunity for prospective parents and students to see our classes in action and hear about the rich program of learning and extra curricular activities that we offer. Mr Dowie and Ms McNamara will be visiting local primary schools with information for Grade 5 and 6 students over the next few weeks.
There will be morning tours at 9.20am and 10.30am and an evening session including interactive tours from 6.00pm. Due to density limits, all families must pre-book to attend the Open House evening or a school tour here. Please bring your face mask!
Privacy Reminder
Families are reminded that our school collects, uses, discloses and stores student and parent/carer personal information for standard school operations or where permitted by law, as stated in the Schools’ Privacy Policy. Please take the time to remind yourself of the school’s collection statement, found on our website here and attached below. For more information about privacy, see: Schools’ Privacy Policy – information for parents. This information also available in nine community languages.
Mobile Phone Policy
A reminder to students who bring a mobile phone to school that they must have it switched off and stored in their locker from the first bell to the last bell of the day. Families may ring the school office if they need a message given to their child. The College Board has approved the policy which is attached below. Students and their parents will also be required to sign the Student Mobile Phone and Computer Use Agreement this term, which sets out the school's guidelines regarding appropriate use of these devices and our school internet.
Reminders from the Office
Insurance and Ambulance Cover for Students
Parents/carers are reminded that the Department (and the College) does not provide personal accident insurance, personal property insurance or ambulance cover for students. Parents/carers are responsible for paying the cost of medical treatment for their child/ren, including the cost of ambulance attendance/transport and any other transport costs.
Private property brought to school by students, staff or visitors is not insured and the Department does not accept any responsibility for any loss or damage. Parents/carers can purchase insurance policies and ambulance cover from commercial insurers if they wish for their child/ren.
While it is great news that all schools have returned to on-site learning, it is critical that we all remain vigilant in maintaining a COVID-Safe environment. Actions such as staying home when unwell, performing regular hand hygiene, and maintaining physical distance and wearing masks in class are simple measures, but are of the utmost importance.
That said, it is exciting to once again allow all students and staff to experience the full richness of school, particularly those aspects that were so difficult to maintain through last year, including participation in performing arts, sport, practical activities in science and technology, school performances, camps and excursions.
We learnt a lot about what Victoria’s education system is capable of last year, as VUSC successfully innovated and adapted like never before. The lessons learned from 2020, combined with parents' help and support, will stand us in great stead for the year ahead.
Thank you also for your excellent support in ensuring that your sons or daughters have been well prepared for the start of the year. We have had such a positive start, and this is in part due to your efforts, especially with books, equipment, devices and uniform.
If you have any concerns or questions about how your child has settled in, please do not hesitate to contact their Year Level Co-ordinator.
I wish you all well for the year ahead and look forward to working with you.
Elaine Hazim
College Principal
Victoria University Secondary College is a child safe organisation committed to protecting students from all forms of abuse.
Our College has stringent protocols in place and endeavours at all times to be fully compliant with the Child Safe Standards set out under Ministerial Order 870.
Our College has the following documents and policies in place to achieve compliance with the Standards. All of these documents are available for downloading on our website or contact the school for a copy.