2021 TERM 2
11th-21st: NAPLAN Test
18th: Prep/1 Information Night [6:30-7:45pm]
24th: School Photo Day - Rescheduled to June 3rd
31st: GR 5/6 Excursion to Altona Homestead [9:30 - 12:00pm]
3rd: Whole School Photo Day [Students to wear full winter uniform and GR 3-6 bring sports uniform to change into]
5th: World Environment Day [1:00-3:00pm]
10th: Year 2 Family Breakfast in Hall [7:30-9am]
11th: SCHOOL CLOSURE DAY - Literacy Professional Learning - Focus: Reading
14th: Queen's Birthday - Public Holiday
16th: GR 5/6 Winter Sports Carnival - AFL, Soccer & Teeball [9am - 2pm]
18th: GR 5/6 Winter Sports Carnival - Netball & Volleyball [9am - 2pm]
24th: Last Day for Term 2 - Students Finish @3:20pm
Learning Conversations [3:30 - 7:00pm]
25th: Learning Conversations, STUDENT FREE DAY [8:30am - 1:30pm]
12th: Term 3 Begins [8:30am-3:20pm]
14th: Sacrament of Confirmation [7:00pm]
23rd: GR 3/4 - BBQ & Picnic [5:30-7pm]
26th: Grandparents Morning Tea
25th: District Athletics Day
15th: Circus Performance
Last Day of Term 3 - Finish @3:20pm
16th & 17th: SCHOOL CLOSURE DAY - Catholic Identity Staff Conference
4th: Term 4 Begins [8:30am-3:20pm]
5th-15th: GR 3/4 Swim program TBC
15th: GR 5/6 - BBQ & Picnic [5:30-7pm]
21st: Sacrament of Reconciliation
1st: SCHOOL CLOSURE DAY - Report Writing
2nd: MELBOURNE CUP DAY - Public Holiday
5th: SMDP Sports Carnival
11th: Remembrance Day
11th & 12th: GR 3/4 Camp - Sovereign Hill
29th & 30th: GR P/1 & 6 - Swim Program TBC
1st & 2nd: GR P/1 & 6 - Swim Program TBC
3rd: SCHOOL CLOSURE DAY - Planning 2022
6th-10th: GR P/1 & 6 - Swim Program TBC
8th: YR 6 Graduation [6:30-7:30pm]
9th: Step up into 2022 Classes [12-2pm]
13th: YR 6 - Big Day Out
14th: End of Year Mass [9:15-10:15am]
15th: Last Day of Term 4 - Finish @ 1:00pm