Wellbeing News

Respectful Relationships in 2021

At SMDP, we value relationships that are respectful and inclusive. It is important that each child is given the opportunities to grow and develop their understanding of respectful relationships. 


Respectful Relationships is a wide ranging initiative that promotes and models respect and equality. The state government has invested a significant amount of funding to help support schools in rolling out this important initiative across the state. It aims to help students deal with a range of challenges they may face and covers topics such as being respectful, resilient and engaged at school, as well as developing confidence in themselves. 


At SMDP we have a Respectful Relationships Team who are very excited to be leading the implementation of  the Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationship education into our school curriculum. The team is led by Kathy Blythe  (Wellbeing Leader) and Andrea Wilberger (Learning Diversity Leader), Lisa Featherstone and Seamus Murphy (Classroom Teachers). 


Throughout the year, the Respectful Relationships Team, teachers and students will provide updates and examples of student learning in the Newsletter and on Seesaw. This year students will be exploring the following topics:

  • Emotional Literacy
  • Personal Strengths
  • Positive Coping
  • Problem - Solving 
  • Stress Management
  • Help-Seeking

The first topic supports students in developing their understanding of emotional literacy, learning to identify their emotions, triggers to emotions and how to respond to these feelings in a safe and respectful way. Here is an example from our Year 6 students. 

Here is a brainstorm of feelings completed by Prep/1 students. 

The second topic provides opportunities for students to identify and discuss the value of different types of coping strategies. They learn about the way that self talk contributes to more productive or less productive coping responses. Coping strategies are the things people do to help them self-calm, persevere and release tension.


We really look forward to regularly communicating our learning experiences with you and we hope that this is a great way to open up conversations at home about how we develop and maintain respectful relationships with others. 


Kathy Blythe, Andrea Wilberger, Lisa Featherstone & Seamus Murphy

Respectful Relationships Team