From the Deputy's Desk

NAPLAN Testing has started and it was very pleasing to see such a good turn out of our Year 3 and 5 students. As testing will continue for the remainder of this week we would greatly appreciate if students arrived to school as close to 8.30am as possible. This gives them and their teachers time to  set up for the test in good time. Students that have missed tests will have a catch up opportunity this week and next week.


Swimming lessons will start on Monday 24 May and we are expecting all of the PP to Year 4 students to attend swimming lessons. Swimming is a life long skill empowering a person to feel confident in water. Please return your child's enrolment and permission to attend forms to your class teacher and pay the monies as soon as practically possible please.  Cash payments can be given to the class teacher, EFTPOS is available at the front office or payments can be made online. 


I attended our school's P&C meeting this week and was very impressed with the amount of energy that was present at the meeting, with a lot of healthy discussion in coordinating fund raising activities. Our P&C also, very generously, have approved the purchase and funding of new choir uniforms for our school choir. See the photo below.  Don't they look awesome.  A big thank you to our P&C for their tremendous contribution to our school.

V Malanczak

Deputy Principal