Principal's Message
School Report 2020
Every year I am required to report highlights, statistics and achievements of our school. The following report has been endorsed by the School Board, with input from Eric Jones, Board Chair and staff. I hope you enjoy reading it. Please click here to read it.
Great Student Attendance
This table shows every year levels attendance so far this year. I am really pleased on the whole and encourage all parents and carers to continue bringing your children to school each and every day. Well done and thank you! Being absent from school, really impacts on your child's academic and social growth.
School Governance
I came across this diagram through the week and thought it was a great visual that depicts how all the different arms of a school tree work.
Our Positive Behaviour Matrix
The following diagram shows the ten behaviours we target throughout the school. We have high expectations for all students. Each week, we focus on one area and reward students for displaying the expected behaviours. Student behaviour is the responsibility of both parents/carers and the school. Giving your children similar structures and expectations at home, helps them at school.
Taylor Webb