From the Principal

Happy Easter

As we celebrate this Easter, may the message of hope inspire you and your family this year. May we all find the courage to be beacons of hope to others in the world around us. May the light and love of the risen Christ be ignited in each one of us so that we spread it and make a positive difference in our world.


The Church is God’s hope-generating agency. So with joy and hope we say: 

“Alleluia! Jesus Christ, our Lord is risen! 


On our first morning back for Term 2, the seniors in Learning Space 3 led our whole school morning gathering. A very Happy Easter to all our students, staff and families.


We will remember them. Least we forget.

On Monday morning beside the values posts we will have our ANZAC prayer.

Winter Uniform

With the start of Term 2 and the change in weather, it is now time to arrive at school in our winter uniform. It is sensational to see the vast majority of students arrive wearing the correct winter uniform from head to toe. They look amazing. I thank all parents who have got organised and taken the time and effort to ensure their child/children have the correct items of the uniform for school days and sport days.


There is another week of transition to the winter uniform with the expectation that all children will be wearing the correct winter uniform from Monday 3 May 2021. School photos are on Tuesday 18 May and we want to ensure we are all looking great in our winter uniform for this year's photos.


If our uniform supplier does not have an item of uniform that your child requires, please write and inform your child's teacher.  We have been in touch with Beleza today and are awaiting their reply regarding any supply issues they are experiencing and when they will have the required stock.


Please also know we have a second hand uniform shop operated by our P&F on a Friday and all items are $5 each.. This may be of great benefit. 


Parent/Guardian/Carer Code of Conduct

With the change over to school governance to MACS - Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools, we have been updating our school policies in line with MACS guidelines. One of the Policies that I would like to highlight this week is our Parent/Guardian/Carer Code of Conduct.


This code will be sent home to parents via Operoo this week. I ask you to read the policy and to sign it by the end of this month Friday 30 April 2021. The Policy provides a set of expectations that ensure all staff, students, families and visitors feel respected and safe as members of our St Francis de Sales School Community.


We have a very dynamic school community and a very strong and vibrant culture of partnership and respect. This culture of respectful communication and enthusiastic partnership in school life is one of the positives of our school.


Please do note that the application of this policy extends beyond the school grounds or school hours.


"This Code applies to all St Francis de Sales PS, Lynbrook parents and visitors to the School. The application of this Code is not limited to the School site and School hours. It extends to all activities and events that are school-related and when visiting or representing the School, including without limitation at all times when wearing the School uniform. The Code also requires that parent/guardian or visitor actions do not bring the School into disrepute at any time regardless of whether the action occurs within or outside of School activities."


An area that this policy refers to is respectful communication on social media.

  • refrain from activities, conduct or communication that would reasonably be seen to undermine the reputation of the School, employees or students of the School (including activities on social media);

I would add that this also includes communication that would reasonably be seen to undermine the reputation of a parent or volunteer at the school. Social media is certainly not the place to air a grievance. If there is a problem please come and discuss it with the school. We may be unaware of the issue and will certainly address it. 


The saying 'Do not judge a book by its cover' often applies to things that occur. We can  gain a limited perspective from what we see or hear. We do not walk in the other person's shoes, we do not know the complexities that they may be experiencing. For example there may be a legitimate reason for someone not to attend a meeting or a working bee! At other times we are human and can make a mistake. I am sure most of us would not want our errors scrutinised in the fish bowl of public opinion. Thus it is better not to be judge and jury. It is only in gaining a clear understanding that we can constructively provide support and find an amicable solution. As a Catholic school with a positive community culture, we expect respect and empathy for all members of the St Francis de Sales school family and wider community.  


Multi-Purpose Hall

Our project was considered for feasibility appraisal by the Planning, Building and Finance Committee, Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne in March. The committee endorsed the project to proceed to the completion of Stage B - detailed design.


We met with our architects on Monday to commence the process. We may need to adjust our design once the quantity surveyor provides us with independent costings as required. Detailed plans will then commence and documentation prepared to obtain a planning permit. We expect that Stage B documentation will be ready to present for the Archbishop's final approval by October so that we can go to tender in Term 4. Building construction is planned to commence in 2022.